Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our missionary

This is Jose, the manager of the call center, Cristian,leaving for his mission, and Ricardo the director of PEF

This is Cristian who we were able to help get on his mission. They call him Bombero Chico Bueno. Because he was a firefighter, and here in Chile they are all called that as they are volunteers. It means a young good fireman.

There were lots of cracks int he walls at the office. They finally got to them and drilled out the cracks so they looked like this Then they filled them with plaster. All was find until they painted and varnished some doors. It was winter and windows were shut and the fumes came up to the forth floor. It gave us headaches and we went home early a couple of days.

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You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Chile Perpetual Education Fund Country Office.