Sunday, March 7, 2010


After the 8.8 earthquake ravaged South-Central Chile, the Chilean people rose from the shock and destruction to unite in helping each other. This picture has become the national symbol of Chile and the people are rallying around each other to make Chile rise from the devastation to recover from this terrible tragedy. They now chant ¡Fuerza Chile! and ¡Viva Chile! The latest slogan is Chile Ayuda Chile. This nation and it´s people have united in a miraculous and marvelous way, and they will overcome this adversity.

1 comment:

Bob and Susan said...

Wow what an experience!! It is so great to hear that the people are rallying around each other and will be stronger by their efforst when it is all said and done.
We will be going home next week,
May the Lord bless you in your service with the Saints of Chile.

You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Chile Perpetual Education Fund Country Office.