Saturday, June 6, 2009

This building is kind of the Chilean "White House". No one actually lives here. Actually there isn't much in there at all. It is just sort of an empty building for people to look at where they change the guard every 48 hours. Mostly for ceremonies, I guess.

This area is under the "White House" and is a museum of sorts. The ribbons are colorful, but who knows what they represent?

These roosters are actually covered bowls. They are from the Mapuche indians and stand about two feet high. They might be good for popcorn!

There is a lot of interesting architecture around Santiago. This building is across the street from the "White House". We don't know what is in it, but Mickie especially liked it.

This mime was standing in front of the Cathedral and just before we took this picture he was actually moving around. He must have been on a break from standing still for such a long time.

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You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Chile Perpetual Education Fund Country Office.