Saturday, June 6, 2009

Out and About in Santiago, Chile

On May 30th, the second Saturday we were here, we went with two other couples to the downtown area of Santiago. We took the bus to the subway terminal and then boarded the "Metro" for our first underground trip. We saw some government buildings, the National Cathedral, and a lot of people. We took the subway back and then did a little shopping closer to home before returning to our apartment. Our first day out and about was pretty interesting.


Paige said...

Looks like you have alot of office work scanning all those files!! Your little outing around Santiago looked like fun. We really miss you. Sophie's baptism turned out so nice. Of course she was a little upset at me beacuse I forgot to bring the brush or comb to fix her hair after the baptism. I always do something wrong! Anyway, it was a really nice day. We have enjoyed having John's parents here the past couple of weeks. They have worked so hard to help us get our yard in better shape. We also will have our family room downstairs finished this week. Well, hope you are happy. I love you both.

The Mapuche's Mom said...

That is Santiago!!! Can't wait to be back. :)

You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Chile Perpetual Education Fund Country Office.